#Global Leadership
Managerial effectiveness in a complex international environment is one of the challenges of global leaders.
Executives, managers, and team leaders are today faced with the challenge of successfully implementing strategies in an international context. In doing so, quality standards must be maintained. Solutions for today and tomorrow need to be developed in an innovative working environment. Local customer expectations must be met.

Current and future leaders must be able to deal with high levels of complexity and rapid changes in a multicultural environment. They also need management tools at hand that can be used in multicultural teams. Cross-functional and virtual teams need to be led to success and kept productive.

The global leadership programs cover four fields of management:

- Leading Myself
- Leading My Team
- Leading the Organization
- Leading Change & Innovation

I would be happy to provide you with a quotation based on your managerial and personal goals.
"Many thanks again for the fantastic training session! I enjoyed it very much."

(High-tech company with 2,000 employees)
"Many thanks again for one of the most informative and useful training sessions of my career!"

(Corporation with 22,000 employees)
What Customers Say
Many thanks for a very successful seminar. I haven't been able to speak to all the participants, but what I have heard so far has been universally positive. I think you have left an excellent impression with us.

(International SME with 16,000 employees)
I wanted to drop you a message from my new home and give you a short update on my first 2.5 months in Shanghai, and especially to report on the implementation of your training content in practice …

First I want to say that without your training I’d have done pretty much everything wrong. I’m still not doing everything correctly. But at least I realize when I make a mistake and can explain to the Chinese why I acted so “German”.

Even after 2.5 months in China I am still happy here and enjoying the Chinese way of life. At the moment there is no sign of any culture shock … I have transferred significantly more responsibility to the employees, and I regularly look at and comment on the progress. I think I have been well-received here. At least that’s what my German colleagues who have been here longer say. The Chinese colleagues have suddenly knuckled down and work with enthusiasm. What is especially pleasing is that this week I received, together with my Chinese team, the first large order from my newly acquired customer.

I have a lot of fun with my Chinese colleagues. Especially in the introductions to the Chinese culture, which interest me greatly. Only when it comes to the food do I still have a few problems, especially with the picking off of turtle shell, although my Chinese colleagues insist that this is the tastiest of all the meats …

I wish you continued success with your training and can confirm that the information you give is absolutely correct …

Best wishes from Shanghai!

(Technology company with approx. 3,000 employees)
The ... World ... Convention in Beijing has been a tremendous success, for which your participation as one of our guest speakers has undoubtedly been of paramount importance.

I would like to seize the opportunity to thank you on behalf of ... for your excellent contribution to the Intercultural Workshop, and I hope that this experience has been as enjoyable for you as it has been for us.

I very much look forward to future opportunities of co-operation.

(International federation with offices in 65 countries)
Great. Very knowledgeable. A wide range of different management tools, experiences, etc.
Many thanks again for the highly successful event. I would like to pass on my manager's feedback to you:

The training was undertaken well in terms of content and method.
The learned information is very helpful for the day-to-day work with the Asian colleagues.
The training is highly recommended for employees who are already working with Asian colleagues or who will be.
Overall, a great success, and one that was also very enjoyable.

(Limited company with 41,000 employees)
"Many thanks for the interesting training. I was able to make use of my newly acquired knowledge on my very next trip to China."

(Limited company with 1,500 employees)
We have spoken with each other again about the seminar on Friday and both agreed that it was very helpful for us and above all very genuine. Above all the many concrete examples helped us a lot in better understanding the Chinese mentality. Many thanks again for the time you spent answering our questions.

(Consultancy firm)
From a company newsletter:
"Everyone was in agreement: excellent preparation for the country, for its people, for a foreign culture and ultimately also for our trade show appearance. Perfectly done, well prepared and the 'Chinese of Mindelheim' are highly motivated for the project."

(Limited company with 3,000 employees)
I would like to thank you enormously for the exciting and interesting training! My wife and I enjoyed it greatly and we are now looking forward to China even more! Hopefully we will see each other again in Shanghai!

(Corporation with 15,000 employees)